Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I watched Unplanned for the first time at the Africa Cares for Life Conference last August, and I have watched it three more times since, simply because I love the movie. 

I am so happy to see that it is showing at selected Ster Kenikor theatres around South Africa, as I believe that it will stop many women and girls from having an abortion. I think that this movie has to power to encourage Churches to have conversations about the topic of abortion and abortion recovery. It is a conversation that is much needed in our country, as South Africa has high rates of abortion.

The movie is about the true story of Abby Johnson, an abortion counsellor; whose life is changed after witnessing an abortion procedure. She then leaves the abortion industry, but not without a lawsuit and backlash from Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the US, that she previously worked for. 

I would not recommend that anyone under the age of 16 years watch Unplanned, as it is graphic and disturbing. If you are squeamish or sensitive to blood, you need to be aware of a few scenes where you may have to look away.
Nonetheless, the movie has a powerful message and shows the reality of abortion. 

Unplanned is a world-class Christian move, and I love that the movie has a massive focus on Jesus, and finding forgiveness after an abortion. Many women and girls struggle to forgive themselves after an abortion, and in the movie, we see how Abby has to learn to forgive herself. We see her journey of the grieving process that follows after she asks God to forgive her. 

The movie ends with information about an organization called, And Then There Were None, that was started by Abby Johnson, to help abortion workers to leave the abortion industry. The organization supports those who choose to leave the industry by assisting them in finding other work and advising them on legal matters.

I would rate this movie a 9 out of 10.

For those who do not know, I am a qualified post-abortion counsellor, and I have done The Journey Post-Abortion Recovery Programme training with Africa Cares for Life. If you are struggling with feelings of regret and loss, WhatsApp me for free online post-abortion recovery.

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