Saturday, November 28, 2015

Psalted TV Interview

"A day in the life of Melissa Hertz..." 

I still cant believe that I will be featured on Psalted, a television show on SABC 3!

The first part of the show was filmed at Green Point Park, Cape Town. Because I am a homeschooling mother, and because most of my days are spent homeschooling my precious children, my children came along too. They played at the park and on the swings and jungle gyms while we did the interview.

On our way to Green Point Park for the Psalted TV interview!

The second part of the show was recorded at the Rhodes Memorial and Cecilia forest Cape Town. 
I was doing a photo shoot that day to promote my music.

The camera man filming my interview with Jolene Michael, the presenter of Psalted.
One of the pictures from the photo shoot taken during the episode of Psalted. 
I was sponsored with a make-up artist from Top to Toe Make Up Academy and was so grateful for the beautiful make-up make over. I wanted a themed shoot so the make-up style was hugely important.

My make-up make over sponsored by Top to Toe make-up academy.
I wanted a ''warrior bride of Christ" themed shoot so I visited prop shops in Woodstock for props. The props, usually used for film shoots,were rented for a good price and were authentic and so beautiful. I rented a sword, a bow and a quiver filled with arrows for the shoot.

The bow and quiver filled with arrows for the "warrior bride of Christ" themed shoot.                       

A sword rented from the prop shop for the "warrior bride of Christ" photoshoot. 

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to share my story and my music on television! All glory to Jesus for even making this possible!

"Warrior bride of Christ" photo shoot.

My make over.

Sword, bow and arrow for the shoot.
One of the camera men filming me in the car. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

An open letter to the Church who follows Jesus...

In the last two weeks two very alarming events have occurred that shook the Church to the core, one in America and one here in South Africa, but both equally disturbing and potentially problematic for our society and for the next generation of youth. 

The first was a horrific video that was secretly filmed, exposing Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, Deborah Nucatola selling the organs and body parts of aborted babies.

“I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Nucatola said. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

It is unbelievable to think that innocent babies, who are ripped and torn apart, who feel pain and who are usually fully developed by the time the abortion takes place, somewhere around 12 to 16 weeks, are now being victims of human organ trafficking too. 
These unborn babies are shown no compassion or dignity at all.

But on a positive note, the fact that human organs are being sold by the same Organization who says that the fetus is just a clump of cells, means that the Pro-Choicers are admitting that the fetus is more than a clump or a blob...because how can you make profit from "just a clump of cells."

The second shocking incident is that just two weeks ago the Amendment to the "Sexual Offences Act" that effectively decriminalises consensual sex between teens in the age group 12 – 16 years old was signed into law here in South Africa.

So how does the planned parenthood scandal impact us here in South Africa? If affects us because the patterns and trends in social and moral decay that are happening in America, are followed in South Africa too. And if Planned Parenthood can get away with this somehow, and wangle it to make it acceptable, then this could happen here too. 

In South Africa the abortion rate is an alarming. According to Professor Eddie Mhlanga, the head of obstetrics and gynaecology at Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine at the UKZN 256808 abortions have been performed in South Africa in the past three years.
And these are only the figures of abortions that are recorded.
More sex between youngsters, who are able to make and grow a baby, but who are too young to deal with the consequences of having a baby, will mean more crisis pregnancies. 
And higher abortion rates too. Therefore higher suicide and infertility rates.
Down spiral here we go.

Don't believe me? Research the effects of abortion on women.

What will become of this society in years to come? As it is pornography is being distributed by children as young as 12 years of age. More pornography means more pornography addiction, and studies show that pornography use can lead to sexual abuse, so we are literally making South Africa a more dangerous place by not standing up to this.

So dear Church of Christ... No matter what your denomination or what your differences, can I ask you with tears in my eyes to please just stand together, to unite and to fight back.
My daughter is just 8 years old and my son 5, and as a parent I cannot turn my back on this and do nothing.

Children should be protected, and this is where we step in.

So come on Church. Let us fight back. 
Let us fight for those who are most vulnerable and in need of basic human rights.
If we do not stand up and speak out for the innocent then the blood of the unborn is on our hands too.
I never want to stand before my Maker and have Him ask, "But why did you not defend those who have no voice? Why did you not tell the younger generation about me?"
Come on Church....
Let us embrace the women who have had abortions, who are hurting and are broken, let us tell them about the hope and the mercy and grace of the One who unites us.
Let us pray for our leaders and for the government as the Bible tells us to.
Let us vote for political parties who reflect the practical values of a well adjusted society.
Let us unite and get involved in Pro-Life movements such as 40 Days For Life. 
Leaders preach on this in your sermons, make your congregations aware.
And not only leaders but all of us who follow Christ because we are ALL called to be the salt and the light to this fallen and dark world.
We simply cannot be passive, we have to stand up, for the sake of our children.

Come on Church stop making things that are black and white, shades of grey.

For more information about 40 Days for Life please visit the website:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Motherhood and Stretch marks : 
10 Things I Have Learned

Motherhood has stretched me… stretched my skin, my womb, my patience and the way I think. Motherhood has made me grow and I have learned a few lessons along the way. Here are my most valuable lessons so far.

1. I have learned that every child is completely unique. 
Unfortunately babies are not born with a manual strapped to their chest and each child, as small as they may be, has a unique personality, and has a unique life purpose and plan. What I do for my daughter does not necessarily work for my son. What you do for your son, may not work for my daughter.
It is my duty as a mother to learn who my children are and not try to conform them into who I want them to be. I need to encourage my children to know Him and discover their calling and dreams placed in their hearts by Him.

2. I have learned to trust my instincts.
I had my daughter when I was only 20 years old and had no family nearby to advise me on how to raise and look after this tiny little new born person. I had to learn quickly to trust my God given intuition and am so very glad that I did. Things that I instinctively did, like skin on skin contact, co sleeping, breast feeding and baby wearing all turned out to be very beneficial to my baby and to myself. I didn’t know it at the time and only found out later that these things that I had instinctively felt to do, had been scientifically proven to help my babys' immune system, among many other neurological benefits.
I have learned to question everything, read up and research everything, question doctors and teachers, coaches and anyone else around my children, because although God is the only one who knows what is best for my children, my husband and I know our child better than anyone.

3. I have learned not to judge other mothers.
I have a confession to make. Before I had children I used to judge the way that other parents raise their children. Before I had children I knew so much about how to be a parent and a disciplinarian. I had all these perfect ideas of what it was like to be a mother, and then I became a mother and somehow knew less than I did before. I learned very quickly that motherhood is not a Pampers nappy television advert with perfect smiles and a clean perfect house and a child that is happy 24/7.
I have learned to give other mothers lots and lots of grace, because that is what I need.

4. I have learned that love really is the greatest gift of all.
Yes that sounds super cheesy. But also super true. Holding and meeting my children for the first time was one of the greatest gifts in this life time that I will always treasure. These guys are my treasures here on earth and I have discovered a love so deep and a bond so unbreakable and yet, I will never be able to fully grasp the concept of Gods’ unfailing love for me. But being a mother has given me just a teeny tiny teensy taste of how much God loves me. I love my children with every part of me and all that I am. And yet no matter how much I love my children, God loves me so much more. Mind blowing.

5. I have learned to laugh at myself and not take myself so seriously.
Motherhood is a serious job and if I mess up my child I have to stand before God someday and please explain. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t have fun. I have been vomited on, peed on, I have had my children blurt out the most embarrassing questions and remark in public, and I have had moments that are so ridiculous that I have had to just laugh out loud or I would burst into tears. To gain perspective I have often had to ask myself the very important question; “What will matter more in five years?”

6. Motherhood has stretched me and taught me to be brave and strong even when I don’t feel it. 
There have been moments where I have been completely freaked out by this enormous task and responsibility of being a mother. Questions like, “What if my teenagers run away from home” or “What if we can’t afford to send them university” have crossed my mind. But in moments like that I need to control my thoughts and be brave and trust myself and trust God that it will all work out.
I don’t always know what I’m doing but God created these children for me, and created me for these children, so He will give me what I need when I need it. All I can do is take one day at a time, one step at a time, with lots and lots of grace from God.

                     Be brave butterfly….

7. I have learned to grow a thick skin. To hold onto the good stuff and exhale the bad stuff.  I have learned to let go of what people think because it really doesn’t matter in the bigger scheme of things. I have learned to fly against the wind and resistance and not always go with what society says I should do.

                      Be bold butterfly….

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of it." John 17:16 

8. I have learned that it is such a short season of sacrifice.  
My daughter is turning eight next month and it feels like yesterday that she was moving inside of my big pregnant belly. I have sacrificed many things for these children, but I actually can’t even name them because it is irrelevant. They are just so worth it. Soon these days of standing on Lego at 3 am and reading bedtime stories will be over for me. I need to treasure and embrace this season because I will miss it so very much…

9. I have been so completely humbled. 
I really can’t do this motherhood thing on my own. I am seriously desperate for Jesus to guide me and show me and protect my family. I seriously don't even know how people who don’t have Jesus in their lives do it... It is too much stress, too much noise and too much mess to actually cope alone


10. I have learned that although I am the one who is meant to teach them, the irony is that they teach me… about life, about love and about myself. 
When I gave birth to them they really gave birth to me. They are showing me one day at a time who I need to be, who I am meant to be and who I want to be. And life is so beautiful because they are mine for this short time here on earth…

Yes motherhood has stretched me… stretched my arms so that I can embrace the little arms around my neck, and my heart wider so that I can be filled with love that children seem to naturally bring with them when they are born into this world. 

I have stretch marks on my heart and a few on my body too, best of all I have me these amazing two little people who call me "Mommy". 

And the stretch marks, well they don’t really matter anyway do they?

I am usually the one interviewing people for my radio show, Arise Butterfly Glorify on GNCR, but on this day, it was my turn to be inte...