Thursday, May 30, 2019

Illinois passes a bill far worse than New Yorks

Just two days ago the state of Illinois passed a bill so extreme that thousands marched to the capitol to protest against it and make their voices heard. 

The bill is even more extreme than the New York Health and Reproductive Act, passed in January this year. 

HB2495 would virtually eliminate all protections for preborn children, allow infanticide, remove conscience protection laws for health care workers, allow taxpayer funding for abortion, and more. HB 2467 would repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, making it so that minors can obtain abortions without parental notification. 

So, if you are thinking that this doesn’t affect you because you do not live in the state of Illinois then listen up. 
It can.
This does have the ability to affect you even if you are in another state or country. 

There is a saying that when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. 
Trends that are started in America are easily picked up by the rest of the world. 
I live in South Africa and we have some of the most liberal laws surrounding abortion, in the world. But there are a few things that you can do, no matter where in the world you live, to try to keep the brakes on the laws regarding abortion.


People cannot make informed decisions without information and women and girls cannot make informed decisions about their reproductive health if they are not empowered with information. Information can be easily shared on social media and just taking a few moments to share an article regarding pro-life issues could be really helpful to someone who is needing it at that moment. Visit our Facebook page Project Life Pro-Life SA, and follow us on social media. Take the time to share articles.


Don’t just ignore petitions. 22000 signatures speak louder than 32 signatures. 

Know your stuff.

Make yourself aware of the laws surrounding abortion in your country. 
Understand the scientific view of aborton and how it supports the fact that life begins at conception. 
You will be challenged if you share your views, so be prepared to inform people and defend your point of view. Using a scientific and logical argument is more effective as not everyone you meet is religious, and pointing out the dangers to a womans health, both physically and mentally, is a great argument against abortion too.


Weather you are a Baptist or a Catholic, the Church needs to stand together if we are going to be an effective voice for the unborn.

Pro-Life Muslims, pro-life Christians, pro-life Atheists, and everyone in-between need to unite for the cause and fight for the rights of the unborn together.

Be brave

Do not be afraid to speak out against abortion and share your views. 
Be brave and speak up, even if your voice shakes.

Unplanned banned in Canada

Unplanned is the true story of Abby Johnson, the youngest director of Planned Parenthood, who witnesses something during an abortion procedure that dramatically changes her life forever.

Despite the fact that the movie contains no foul language, no nudity, and no sexuality, it has been banned in Canada.

The distributors found the content ``offensive."


Wait... If an abortion is just the removal of a clump of cells then why would Unplanned be banned? 

To make matters even worse, Google refused any pre-release adverts and banners of the film and many major television networks refused to promote the films release.
Twitter suspended the Unplanned Twitter account and cut their Twitter "followers" dramatically.


Johnson however is not despondent and is as passionate as ever and says 
"I wonder what they have to be afraid of?"

She has encouraged Canadians to raise their voices and to speak up for the unborn.   

"You gotta stop being so dang polite. 
Life is on the line. Children are being killed, dismembered by their mothers wombs. There is nothing pro-life about abortion and it is time for us to stop cowering to a liberal media, to your liberal parliament, enough is enough."

Already the movie Unplanned is making waves and there have been testimonies of women and girls who went to see the movie, who were not sure if they would keep their baby or not, who then chose life for their baby.

Abby Johnson has done an amazing thing and although Unplanned is not yet available in South Africa, I am so excited to see such a controversial, impacting and incredible story of a woman who was not afraid to speak the truth.

The moment I find out about a screening here in South Africa I will be sure to let people know!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Baby Savers South Africa

Over the past year Project Life has donated four baby savers to organisations- three in Cape Town and one in Durban.

Mandukas Formwork, a local formwork and scaffolding company helped to create these baby savers and sponsored the materials for them too.

Ashley Hertz, director of Mandukas Formwork with the welders who created the box.

We then had the help of an electrician to help build the technology onto the box that triggers a lock to lock the door of the baby saver and to send a message to a response team that a baby has been placed into the saver. 

The first baby saver was given to an organization in Bellville called Inceba Saving babies.

The official launch of the Inceba Saving Babies baby saver was on 17 October 2018 and a team of paramedics from ER 24 were there to show their support. A baby was placed in the saver to demonstrate how the baby saver works and among others, CNI security, who is also providing their services for the baby saver, came to show their support on the day.

The Inceba Saving Babies baby saver is located in close proximity to the Bellville station and is located in Quarry street Bellville, next to the big AGS church building. 

Demonstration of the saver.
ER 24 paramedics showing their support at the launch.

A letter left in the saver to offer words of comfort to a mother in distress.

The second baby saver was donated to Lucinda Evans from Philisa Abafazi, an organisation doing a range of community work to assist vulnerable women and children in Cape Town. 

The saver is located at 69 Hillary drive in Lavender Hill.

Lucinda Evans, founder of Philisa Abafazi and her team receiving their baby saver.

The precious feet of the first baby placed in the Lavender Hill baby saver.



The first baby to be placed in the Lavender Hill Philisa Abafazi baby saver was placed in the saver during the early hours of 30 March 2019.

The baby girl, just two days old, was left with a letter from her mother. 

The baby girl is currently in foster care until she is placed with a forever family.

The third baby saver was given to Katherine Brink from Little Brinks and they are still in the process of finding a location for the baby saver as the location is vitally important.
The baby saver that was donated to Durban was given to Youndi from Open Arms SA and they too are in the process of having it installed. They have a location- it is being put into their wall of their home but are in the process of finding a builder to install.

We are very excited to see how God will use these baby savers to help women who feel that they have no other option but to abandon their baby. May many lives be saved!

I am also sad to say that Project Life will not make any more baby savers. The project was incredibly stressful and challenging and my children are too young at this point for me to be putting as much time into Project life as I was. As many of you know, I have made the decision to commit to homeschooling my children as long as they would like to be homeschooled. 

It was my dream to become a supplier of baby savers in South Africa, that are cost-effective and also locally made. Making the savers made us realise that other organisations making baby savers are putting a mark upon their savers, and I wanted to change that and supply something that organisations could actually afford. 

If you would like to purchase a saver contact Baby Safe International who I'm sure will gladly assist you. 

I am usually the one interviewing people for my radio show, Arise Butterfly Glorify on GNCR, but on this day, it was my turn to be inte...