Tuesday, August 27, 2019

August Speaking Opportunities:

Me, sharing my story at New Beginnings Church.

On Friday the 10th of August I had the honor of speaking at a woman's event at the New Beginnings Church in Phoenix.
I shared my testimony at the event, of how God spared my life after I almost died, after giving birth to my son Quade, three years ago. I also shared my abortion story and how abortion negatively affected my life. 
At the event, I met Loaraine Moonsamy, who invited me to speak at her church the next day.

Me, sharing my story at Calvary Chapel.

 I wanted to embrace the opportunity to share my testimony once again, so on Saturday the 11th of August, I spoke at the Calvary Chapel Woman's event. I shared my story and offered free online post-abortion counselling to anyone who felt that they might need it. I had ladies come to me after  I spoke to share their stories of how they have lost children to abortion. Many women do not seek therapy and counselling after an abortion, and many women struggle with feelings of loss, regret and sadness, after having an abortion. 

I feel so privileged to have had two opportunities to speak. 
I love being a speaker and am so thankful for the opportunities that God gives me to share my story of His grace. 

If you would like me to visit your church, to raise awareness on abortion and baby abandonment, and for me to share my testimony, send an email to melissahertzmusic@gmail.com.
Many blessings!

At the Calvary Chapel Woman's event with two of the other speakers.

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