Wednesday, February 14, 2018

40 Days for Life Radio Campaign with CCFM Radio 107.5

Today is officially day 1 of 40 Days for Life 2018 and in case you are not yet aware what 40 Days for Life is... 40 Days for Life is an international prayer movement that started off in a small town in America where a group of Christians who value the sanctity of life got together and decided to commit to praying and fasting for a period of 40 days to try and stop abortions from taking place in their community. Peaceful prayer groups stood outside the abortion clinics and prayed and handed out pro-life literature and raised awareness in the community during that time. The campaign was so successful that it is now active in 741 cities across the world.

It is very important that those taking part in the campaign remain peaceful as this is not an opportunity to aggressively attack those who are in favor of abortion or those entering the clinic who have already made up their minds to go through with their abortion. 
You never know what could happen by greeting someone and starting up a conversation with someone in a crisis pregnancy- so being friendly is of utmost importance!

40 Days for Life is also a time of activism where people are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and reach out and speak to their communities and Churches about the reality of abortion. 
Pastors and youth pastors are encouraged to raise awareness within the local Church and raise awareness of the locations of the local crisis pregnancy homes and baby safe box locations in the local community so that women in crisis know their options besides abortion. 

This 40 Days for Life, Project Life is having our first 10 Days of Activism that starts next Friday the 23rd of February. We are very excited to have our first awareness campaign and will be doing various methods to raise awareness. 

The last 40 Days for Life campaign 2017 was a huge success and we received so much positive feedback afterwards.  

Baby abandonment is a huge problem in the Western Cape so I contacted CCFM Radio and asked if they would be willing to do a radio campaign over the 40 Days for Life period. They agreed and I made a Youtube video asking people to send their stories in via Whatsapp.
The purpose of the campaign was for people to share positive adoption stories to hopefully prevent baby abandonment and prevent abortion and encourage more people to foster and adopt.

Pro-life is so much more than only defending the unborn- yes that is a major part of it- but pro-life is also being pro-adoption, pro-foster care, protecting children from becoming victims of human trafficking and protecting them from abuse...  

Pro-life means being a voice and speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. It means standing in the gap and taking some sense of responsibility to protects and help these vulnerable little people.  

Each story carried a powerful message and testimonies came in from kangaroo mothers, baby safe havens, parents who were so blessed by adopting children, women who chose life for their babies when in a crisis pregnancy, and stories of women who had been raped who chose to keep their baby. I was so touched by the stories and I hope and pray that listeners were also. 

Thank you so much to each and every one of you who was brave enough to share your story! I am confident that God has used each one to touch someones life out there. 

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